Package org.jutil.math.matrix

Interface Summary
CholeskyDecomposer A class of objects that compute the Cholesky factorization of a symmetric matrix.
CholeskyDecomposition This class represents a Cholesky factorization of a symmetric matrix.
EigenvalueDecomposer A class of objects that compute the eigenvalue factorization of a matrix.
EigenvalueDecomposition A class of eigenvalue decompositions of a matrix.
HessenbergReducer A class of matrix operators that compute the Hessenberg reduction of a matrix.
HessenbergReduction A HessenbergReduction represents a Hessenberg reduction of a matrix.
LeastSquaresSolver A class of objects that solve least square problems represented as a matrix.
LinSolver A class of objects that solve linear systems of equations represented as a matrix.
LUDecomposer A class of objects that compute the LU factorization of a matrix.
LUDecomposition This class represents an LU factorization of a matrix.
QRDecomposer A class of objects that compute the QR factorization of a matrix.
QRDecomposition This class represents a QR factorization of a matrix.
SchurDecomposer A class of objects that compute the Schur factorization of a matrix.
SchurDecomposition A class of schur decompositions of a matrix.

Class Summary
AbstractSolver A helper class for classes that solve systems of equations using matrices.
Column A class of matrices containing only 1 column.
DefaultCholeskyDecomposer A class of objects that compute the Cholesky factorization of a symmetric matrix using the algorithm in the book of Trefethen and Bau.
DefaultCholeskyDecomposition This class represents a Cholesky factorization of a matrix.
DefaultLUDecomposition This class represents a default LU factorization of a square non-singular matrix.
DefaultSchurDecomposition A class of schur decompositions of a matrix.
ExplicitShiftQRSchurDecomposer A class of schur decomposers using an explict shift
HouseholderHessenbergReducer A class of matrix operators that compute the Hessenberg reduction of a matrix using Householder reflections.
HouseholderHessenbergReduction This class represents a HouseHolder Hessenberg factorization of a matrix.
HouseholderQRDecomposer A class of objects that compute the QR factorization of a matrix using the Householder Algorithm.
HouseholderQRDecomposition This class represents a HouseHolder QR factorization of a matrix.
LULinSolver A class of objects that solve linear systems of equations represented as a matrix using the LU decomposition of that matrix.
Matrix A class of 2D matrices.
NMatrix This is a class of N-dimensional matrices The name Matrix has been reserved for 2D matrices since they are use more frequently than a general N-dimensional matrix.
PartialPivotGauss A class of objects that compute the LU factorization of a square non-singular matrix using Gauss elimination with partial pivoting.
QRLeastSquaresSolver A class of objects that solve least squares problems using its QR decomposition.
QRLinSolver A class of objects that solve linear systems of equations represented as a matrix using its QR decomposition.
Row A class of matrices containing only 1 row.
SchurEigenvalueDecomposer A class of eigenvalue decomposers using an explict shift algorithm.
SchurEigenvalueDecomposition A class of eigenvalue decomposers using an explict shift algorithm.