Class DefaultLUDecomposition

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultLUDecomposition
extends java.lang.Object
implements LUDecomposition

This class represents a default LU factorization of a square non-singular matrix.

$Revision: 1.3 $
Marko van Dooren

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CVS_REVISION
Constructor Summary
DefaultLUDecomposition(Matrix L, Matrix U, Matrix P)
          public behavior

pre L != null;
pre L.isSquare();
pre L.isLowerTriangular();
pre (\forall int i; i>=1 && i<=L.getNbColumns();
L.elementAt(i,i) == 1);
pre U != null;
pre U.sameDimensions(L);
pre U.isUpperTriangular();
pre P != null;
pre P.isPermutationMatrix();
pre P.sameDimensions(L);

post L().equals(L);
post U().equals(U);
post P().equals(P);
Initialize a new DefaultLUDecomposition with the given L and U matrices
Method Summary
 Matrix L()
          See superclass
 Matrix P()
          See superclass
 Matrix U()
          See superclass
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String CVS_REVISION
Constructor Detail


public DefaultLUDecomposition(Matrix L,
                              Matrix U,
                              Matrix P)
public behavior

pre L != null;
pre L.isSquare();
pre L.isLowerTriangular();
pre (\forall int i; i>=1 && i<=L.getNbColumns();
L.elementAt(i,i) == 1);
pre U != null;
pre U.sameDimensions(L);
pre U.isUpperTriangular();
pre P != null;
pre P.isPermutationMatrix();
pre P.sameDimensions(L);

post L().equals(L);
post U().equals(U);
post P().equals(P);
Initialize a new DefaultLUDecomposition with the given L and U matrices
L - The L matrix of the LU decomposition
U - The U matrix of the LU decomposition
Method Detail


public Matrix L()
See superclass
Specified by:
L in interface LUDecomposition


public Matrix U()
See superclass
Specified by:
U in interface LUDecomposition


public Matrix P()
See superclass
Specified by:
P in interface LUDecomposition