Class Matrix

Direct Known Subclasses:
Column, Row

public class Matrix
extends NMatrix

A class of 2D matrices. This version doesn't try that hard to perform stable calculations. If you need that, use the non-existing nummath package. If you don't know what it means, use this version :) Matrix also doesn't report any overflow (standard Java behavior).

$Revision: 1.16 $
Marko van Dooren

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CVS_REVISION
          MvDMvDMvD : some operations don't have 2 sensible names for use as a mutator and inspector.
Constructor Summary
Matrix(double[] elements)
          public behavior

pre elements != null;
pre elements.length > 0;

post getNbRows() == elements.length;
post isSquare();
post isDiagonal();
post (\forall int i; i>=0 && i elements[i] == elementAt(i+1,i+1)));
Initialize a new diagonal Matrix with the given array of diagonal element.
Matrix(double[][] elements)
          public behavior

pre elements != null;
pre elements.length > 0;
pre (\exist int nbColumns; nbColumns > 0;
(\forall int i; i>=0 && i elements[i] != null &&
elements[i].length == nbColumns));

post getNbRows() == elements.length;
post getNbColumns() == elements[0].length;
post (\forall int i; i>=0 && i (\forall int j; j>=0 && j elements[i][j] == elementAt(i+1,j+1)));
Initialize a new Matrix from the given 2D array of doubles.
Matrix(int rows, int columns)
          public invariant getNbDimensions() == 2;

public behavior

post getNbColumns() == columns;
post getNbRows() == rows;
post (\forall int i; i>0 && i < getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j > 0 && j < getNbColumns();
elementAt(i,j) == 0));
Initialize a new Matrix with the given number of rows and columns
Method Summary
 void add(Matrix other)
          public behavior

pre other != null;
pre sameDimensions(other);

post (\forall int i; i>=1 && i <= getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j <= getNbColumns();
elementAt(i,j) ==
\old(elementAt(i,j)) + other.elementAt(i,j)));
Add the given matrix to this matrix.
 java.lang.Object clone()
          public behavior

post equals(\result);
post \result instanceof Matrix;
Return a clone
 void divide(double factor)
          public behavior

post (\forall int i; i>=1 && i<= getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j<= getNbColumns();
elementAt(i,j) == \old(elementAt(i,j)) / factor));
Divide this matrix by a given factor.
 double elementAt(int[] index)
          pre validIndex(index);
Return the element at the given index.
 double elementAt(int row, int column)
          public behavior

pre validIndex(row, column);

post elementAt({row, column});
Return the element at the given row and column.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object other)
          public behavior

post !(other instanceof Matrix) ==> false;
post !(sameDimensions((Matrix)other)) ==> false;
post (other instanceof Matrix) && (sameDimensions((Matrix)other)) ==>
\result == (\forall int i; i>=1 i<=getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 j<=getNbColumns();
((Matrix)\result).elementAt(i,j) ==
post \result != this;
Check whether the given object is equal to this matrix.
 Column getColumn(int index)
          public behavior

pre index > 0 && index <= getNbColumns();

post \result != null;
post \result.size() == getNbRows();
post (\forall int i; i>0 && i < getNbRows();
\result.elementAt(i) == elementAt(i,index));
Return the column with the given index.
 int[] getDimensions()
          post \result.length == getNbDimensions();
Return the dimensions of this matrix
 int getNbColumns()
          public behavior

post \result == getDimensions()[1];
Return the number of columns of this matrix.
 int getNbDimensions()
          public invariant getDimensions().length == getNbDimensions();
public invariant (\forall int i; i>=0 && i getDimensions()[i] > 0);
Return the number of dimensions of this matrix.
 int getNbRows()
          public behavior

post \result == getDimensions()[0];
Return the number of rows of this matrix.
 Row getRow(int index)
          public behavior

pre index > 0 && index <= getNbRows();

post \result != null;
post \result.size() == getNbColumns();
post (\forall int i; i>0 && i < getNbColumns();
\result.elementAt(i) == elementAt(i,index));
Return the row with the given index.
 boolean isDiagonal()
          public behavior

post \result == (\forall int i; i>=1 && i<=getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j<=getNbColumns();
(j != i) => elementAt(i,j) == 0));
Check whether or not this matrix is a diagonal matrix.
 boolean isLowerTriangular()
          public behavior

post \result == (\forall int i; i>=1 && i<=getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j<=getNbColumns();
(i > j) => elementAt(i,j) == 0));
Check whether or not this matrix is lower triangular
 boolean isPermutationMatrix()
          post \result == isSquare() &&
// 1 non-zero element in each row
(\forall int i; i>=1 && i<=getNbRows();
(\num_of int j; j>=1 && j<=getNbColumns() && elementAt(i,j) != 0;1) == 1) &&
// 1 non-zero element in each column
(\forall int i; i>=1 && i<=getNbColumns();
(\num_of int j; j>=1 && j<=getNbRows() && elementAt(j,i) != 0;1) == 1) &&
// each element is 0 or 1
(\forall int i; i>=1 && i<=getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j<=getNbColumns();
elementAt(i,j) == 0 || elementAt(i,j) == 1));
Check whether or not this matrix is a permutation matrix.
 boolean isSquare()
          public behavior

post getNbColumns() == getNbRows();
Check whether or not this matrix is square.
 boolean isSymmetric()
          public behavior

post \result == isSquare() &&
(\forall int i; i>=1 && i<=getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j<=getNbColumns();
elementAt(i,j) == elementAt(j,i)));
Check whether or not this matrix is symmetric.
 boolean isUpperTriangular()
          public behavior

post \result == (\forall int i; i>=1 && i<=getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j<=getNbColumns();
(i < j) => elementAt(i,j) == 0));
Check whether or not this matrix is upper triangular
 void leftGivens(double c, double s, int i, int k)
          public behavior

pre (1 <= i) && (i < k) && (k <= getNbRows());

post getColumn(i).equals(\old(getColumn(i).times(c).minus(getColumn(k).times(s))));
post getColumn(k).equals(\old(getColumn(i).times(s).plus(getColumn(k).times(c))));
 Matrix minus(Matrix other)
          public behavior

pre other != null;
pre sameDimensions(other);

post \result != null;
post \result.sameDimensions(this);
post (\forall int i; i>=1 && i <= getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j <= getNbColumns();
\result.elementAt(i,j) ==
elementAt(i,j) - other.elementAt(i,j)));
Return a new matrix that equals this matrix minus the given matrix.
 void multiply(double factor)
          public behavior

post (\forall int i; i>=1 && i<= getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j<= getNbColumns();
elementAt(i,j) == \old(elementAt(i,j)) * factor));
Multiply this matrix by a given factor.
 Matrix plus(Matrix other)
          public behavior

pre other != null;
pre sameDimensions(other);

post \result != null;
post \result.sameDimensions(this);
post (\forall int i; i>=1 && i <= getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j <= getNbColumns();
\result.elementAt(i,j) ==
elementAt(i,j) + other.elementAt(i,j)));
Return a new matrix that is the sum of this matrix and the given matrix
 Matrix returnTranspose()
          public behavior

post \result.sameDimensions(this);
post (\forall int i; i>0 && i<= getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>0 && j elementAt(i,j) == \result.elementAt(j,i)));
Return the transpose of this matrix.
 void rightGivens(double c, double s, int i, int k)
          public behavior

pre (1 <= i) && (i < k) && (k <= getNbColumns());

post getColumn(i).equals(\old(getColumn(i).times(c).minus(getColumn(k).times(s))));
post getColumn(k).equals(\old(getColumn(i).times(s).plus(getColumn(k).times(c))));
 boolean sameDimensions(Matrix other)
          public behavior

pre other != null

post getNbColumns() == other.getNbColumns();
post getNbRows() == other.getNbRows();
Check wether the given matrix has the same dimensions as this one.
 void setColumn(int i, Column column)
          public behavior

pre i>=1 && i<=getNbColumns();
pre column != null;
pre column.size() == getNbRows();

post getColumn(i).equals(column);
Set the i-th column of this matrix
 void setElementAt(int[] index, double value)
          pre validIndex(index);

post elementAt(index) == value;
Set the element at the given index to the given value.
 void setElementAt(int row, int column, double value)
          public behavior

pre validIndex(row, column);

post elementAt(row, column) == value;
Set the element at the given row and column to the given value.
 void setRow(int i, Row row)
          public behavior

pre i>=1 && i<=getNbRows();
pre row != null;
pre row.size() == getNbColumns();

post getRow(i).equals(row);
Set the i-th row of this matrix
 void setSubMatrix(int row, int column, Matrix matrix)
          public behavior

pre matrix != null;
pre validIndex(row, column);
pre validIndex(row + matrix.getNbRows() - 1, column + matrix.getNbColumns() - 1);

post subMatrix(row, column, row + matrix.getNbRows() - 1, column + matrix.getNbColumns() - 1).equals(matrix);
Replace a submatrix of this matrix with the given matrix at the given coordinates.
 Matrix subMatrix(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
          public behavior

pre validIndex(x1, y1);
pre validIndex(x2, y2);
pre x2 >= x1;
pre y2 >= y1;

post \fresh(\result);
post \result.getNbRows() == x2 - x1 + 1;
post \result.getNbColumns() == y2 - y1 + 1;
post (\forall int i; i>=x1 && i <=x2;
(\forall int j; j>=y1 && j <=y2;
\result.elementAt(i - x1 + 1, j - y1 + 1) == elementAt(i, j)));
Return the submatrix starting from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2).
 void subtract(Matrix other)
          public behavior

pre other != null;
pre sameDimensions(other);

post (\forall int i; i>=1 && i <= getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j <= getNbColumns();
elementAt(i,j) ==
\old(elementAt(i,j)) - other.elementAt(i,j)));
Subtract the given matrix from this matrix.
 Matrix times(double factor)
          public behavior

post \result != null;
post \result.sameDimensions(this);
post (\forall int i; i>=1 && i<= getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j<= getNbColumns();
\result.elementAt(i,j) == elementAt(i,j) * factor));
Return a matrix that equals this matrix times a given factor.
 Matrix times(Matrix other)
          public behavior

pre other != null;
pre other.getNbRows() == getNbColumns();
pre other.getNbColumns() == getNbRows();

post \result != null;
post (\forall int i; i>=1 && i<= getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j<= other.getNbColumns();
\result.elementAt(i,j) ==
(\sum int k; k>=1 && k<= getNbColumns();
elementAt(i,k) * other.elementAt(k,j))));
post \result.getNbRows() == getNbRows();
post \result.getNbColumns() == other.getNbColumns();
post \fresh(result);

// MvDMvDMvD We should put this everywhere we return a matrix
// since matrices are mutable.
 java.lang.String toString()
          see superclass
 void transpose()
          public behavior

post getNbColumns() == \old(getNbRows());
post getNbRows() == \old(getNbColumns());
post (\forall int i; i>=1 && i<=getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j elementAt(i,j) == \old(elementAt(j,i))));
Transpose this matrix.
static Matrix unity(int size)
          public behavior

pre size > 0;

post \fresh(\result);
post \result.getNbRows() == size;
post \result.getNbColumns() == size;
post (\forall int i; i>=1 && i<=size;
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j<=size;
((i==j) => \result.elementAt(i,j)==1) &&
((i!=j) => \result.elementAt(i,j)==0)));
Return a new unity matrix of the given size
 boolean validIndex(int row, int column)
          public behavior

post \result == (row > 0) &&
(row <= getNbRows()) &&
(column > 0) &&
(column <= getNbColumns());
Check whether or not the given row and column point to a valid position for this Matrix.
Methods inherited from class org.jutil.math.matrix.NMatrix
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String CVS_REVISION
MvDMvDMvD : some operations don't have 2 sensible names for use as a mutator and inspector. At this moment, I see have 3 possible naming schemes for tranformations on 2D matrices. 1) name() : a mutator which applies the tranformation to this matrix. if you want a clone, just make it yourself. 2) name() : an inspector which returns a new matrix nameThis() : a mutator which applies the tranformation to this matrix. 3) returnName() : an inspector which returns a new matrix name() : a mutator which applies the tranformation to this matrix. Personally, I like 3) the best. It feels like talking to a matrix. If you say "matrix.transpose" it will transpose itself.If you say "matrix.returnTranspose", it will return a transpose (a new matrix).
Constructor Detail


public Matrix(int rows,
              int columns)
public invariant getNbDimensions() == 2;

public behavior

post getNbColumns() == columns;
post getNbRows() == rows;
post (\forall int i; i>0 && i < getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j > 0 && j < getNbColumns();
elementAt(i,j) == 0));
Initialize a new Matrix with the given number of rows and columns
columns - The number of columns for the new Matrix.
rows - The number of rows for the new Matrix.


public Matrix(double[][] elements)
public behavior

pre elements != null;
pre elements.length > 0;
pre (\exist int nbColumns; nbColumns > 0;
(\forall int i; i>=0 && i elements[i] != null &&
elements[i].length == nbColumns));

post getNbRows() == elements.length;
post getNbColumns() == elements[0].length;
post (\forall int i; i>=0 && i (\forall int j; j>=0 && j elements[i][j] == elementAt(i+1,j+1)));
Initialize a new Matrix from the given 2D array of doubles.
elements - A 2D array containing the elements of the new Matrix. The first dimension is for the rows, the second for the columns.


public Matrix(double[] elements)
public behavior

pre elements != null;
pre elements.length > 0;

post getNbRows() == elements.length;
post isSquare();
post isDiagonal();
post (\forall int i; i>=0 && i elements[i] == elementAt(i+1,i+1)));
Initialize a new diagonal Matrix with the given array of diagonal element.
elements - An array containing the diagonal elements of the new Matrix.
Method Detail


public static Matrix unity(int size)
public behavior

pre size > 0;

post \fresh(\result);
post \result.getNbRows() == size;
post \result.getNbColumns() == size;
post (\forall int i; i>=1 && i<=size;
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j<=size;
((i==j) => \result.elementAt(i,j)==1) &&
((i!=j) => \result.elementAt(i,j)==0)));
Return a new unity matrix of the given size
size - The number of rows/columns of the matrix


public int getNbDimensions()
Description copied from class: NMatrix
public invariant getDimensions().length == getNbDimensions();
public invariant (\forall int i; i>=0 && i getDimensions()[i] > 0);
Return the number of dimensions of this matrix.
getNbDimensions in class NMatrix
See Also:


public int[] getDimensions()
Description copied from class: NMatrix
post \result.length == getNbDimensions();
Return the dimensions of this matrix
getDimensions in class NMatrix
See Also:


public int getNbRows()
public behavior

post \result == getDimensions()[0];
Return the number of rows of this matrix.


public int getNbColumns()
public behavior

post \result == getDimensions()[1];
Return the number of columns of this matrix.


public double elementAt(int[] index)
Description copied from class: NMatrix
pre validIndex(index);
Return the element at the given index.
elementAt in class NMatrix
See Also:


public double elementAt(int row,
                        int column)
public behavior

pre validIndex(row, column);

post elementAt({row, column});
Return the element at the given row and column.
row - The row of the element to be retrieved.
column - The column of the element to be retrieved.


public void setElementAt(int row,
                         int column,
                         double value)
public behavior

pre validIndex(row, column);

post elementAt(row, column) == value;
Set the element at the given row and column to the given value.
row - The row of the element to be retrieved.
column - The column of the element to be retrieved.
value - The new value for the element at the given row and column.


public void setElementAt(int[] index,
                         double value)
Description copied from class: NMatrix
pre validIndex(index);

post elementAt(index) == value;
Set the element at the given index to the given value.
setElementAt in class NMatrix
See Also:


public boolean validIndex(int row,
                          int column)
public behavior

post \result == (row > 0) &&
(row <= getNbRows()) &&
(column > 0) &&
(column <= getNbColumns());
Check whether or not the given row and column point to a valid position for this Matrix.
row - The row of the position.
column - The row of the position.


public Column getColumn(int index)
public behavior

pre index > 0 && index <= getNbColumns();

post \result != null;
post \result.size() == getNbRows();
post (\forall int i; i>0 && i < getNbRows();
\result.elementAt(i) == elementAt(i,index));
Return the column with the given index.
index - The index of the requested column.


public void setColumn(int i,
                      Column column)
public behavior

pre i>=1 && i<=getNbColumns();
pre column != null;
pre column.size() == getNbRows();

post getColumn(i).equals(column);
Set the i-th column of this matrix
i - The index of the column to be set.
column - The column which will be the new i-th column of this matrix


public Row getRow(int index)
public behavior

pre index > 0 && index <= getNbRows();

post \result != null;
post \result.size() == getNbColumns();
post (\forall int i; i>0 && i < getNbColumns();
\result.elementAt(i) == elementAt(i,index));
Return the row with the given index.
index - The index of the requested row.


public void setRow(int i,
                   Row row)
public behavior

pre i>=1 && i<=getNbRows();
pre row != null;
pre row.size() == getNbColumns();

post getRow(i).equals(row);
Set the i-th row of this matrix
i - The index of the row to be set.
column - The row which will be the new i-th row of this matrix


public void add(Matrix other)
public behavior

pre other != null;
pre sameDimensions(other);

post (\forall int i; i>=1 && i <= getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j <= getNbColumns();
elementAt(i,j) ==
\old(elementAt(i,j)) + other.elementAt(i,j)));
Add the given matrix to this matrix.
other - The matrix to be added.


public Matrix plus(Matrix other)
public behavior

pre other != null;
pre sameDimensions(other);

post \result != null;
post \result.sameDimensions(this);
post (\forall int i; i>=1 && i <= getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j <= getNbColumns();
\result.elementAt(i,j) ==
elementAt(i,j) + other.elementAt(i,j)));
Return a new matrix that is the sum of this matrix and the given matrix
other - The matrix to be added.


public void subtract(Matrix other)
public behavior

pre other != null;
pre sameDimensions(other);

post (\forall int i; i>=1 && i <= getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j <= getNbColumns();
elementAt(i,j) ==
\old(elementAt(i,j)) - other.elementAt(i,j)));
Subtract the given matrix from this matrix.
other - The matrix to be added.


public Matrix minus(Matrix other)
public behavior

pre other != null;
pre sameDimensions(other);

post \result != null;
post \result.sameDimensions(this);
post (\forall int i; i>=1 && i <= getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j <= getNbColumns();
\result.elementAt(i,j) ==
elementAt(i,j) - other.elementAt(i,j)));
Return a new matrix that equals this matrix minus the given matrix.
other - The matrix to be added.


public Matrix times(Matrix other)
public behavior

pre other != null;
pre other.getNbRows() == getNbColumns();
pre other.getNbColumns() == getNbRows();

post \result != null;
post (\forall int i; i>=1 && i<= getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j<= other.getNbColumns();
\result.elementAt(i,j) ==
(\sum int k; k>=1 && k<= getNbColumns();
elementAt(i,k) * other.elementAt(k,j))));
post \result.getNbRows() == getNbRows();
post \result.getNbColumns() == other.getNbColumns();
post \fresh(result);

// MvDMvDMvD We should put this everywhere we return a matrix
// since matrices are mutable. We don't want to change an existing one.
Right-multiply this matrix by another. \result = this * other
other - The matrix to multiply this matrix by.


public Matrix times(double factor)
public behavior

post \result != null;
post \result.sameDimensions(this);
post (\forall int i; i>=1 && i<= getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j<= getNbColumns();
\result.elementAt(i,j) == elementAt(i,j) * factor));
Return a matrix that equals this matrix times a given factor.
factor - The factor to multiply this matrix with.


public void multiply(double factor)
public behavior

post (\forall int i; i>=1 && i<= getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j<= getNbColumns();
elementAt(i,j) == \old(elementAt(i,j)) * factor));
Multiply this matrix by a given factor.
factor - The factor to multiply this matrix with.


public void divide(double factor)
public behavior

post (\forall int i; i>=1 && i<= getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j<= getNbColumns();
elementAt(i,j) == \old(elementAt(i,j)) / factor));
Divide this matrix by a given factor.
factor - The factor to divide this matrix by.


public void transpose()
public behavior

post getNbColumns() == \old(getNbRows());
post getNbRows() == \old(getNbColumns());
post (\forall int i; i>=1 && i<=getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j elementAt(i,j) == \old(elementAt(j,i))));
Transpose this matrix.


public void leftGivens(double c,
                       double s,
                       int i,
                       int k)
public behavior

pre (1 <= i) && (i < k) && (k <= getNbRows());

post getColumn(i).equals(\old(getColumn(i).times(c).minus(getColumn(k).times(s))));
post getColumn(k).equals(\old(getColumn(i).times(s).plus(getColumn(k).times(c))));

Perform a givens rotation on this matrix from the left side with the givens matrix defined by c, s, i and k as follows (m = getNbRows()).

     1       i       k       m
 1   1 . . . 0 . . . 0 . . . 0
     . .     . .     . .     .
     .   .   .   .   .   .   .
     .     . .     . .     . .
 i   0 . . . c . . . s . . . 0
     . .     . .     . .     .
     .   .   .   .   .   .   .
     .     . .     . .     . .
 k   0 . . .-s . . . c . . . 0
     . .     . .     . .     .
     .   .   .   .   .   .   .
     .     . .     . .     . .
 m   0 . . . 0 . . . 0 . . . 1

This matrix (A) will be transformed into G*A.

c - The value of c
c - The value of s
i - The value of i
k - The value of k


public void rightGivens(double c,
                        double s,
                        int i,
                        int k)
public behavior

pre (1 <= i) && (i < k) && (k <= getNbColumns());

post getColumn(i).equals(\old(getColumn(i).times(c).minus(getColumn(k).times(s))));
post getColumn(k).equals(\old(getColumn(i).times(s).plus(getColumn(k).times(c))));

Perform a givens rotation on this matrix from the right side with the givens matrix defined by c, s, i and k as follows (n = getNbColumns()).

     1       i       k       n
 1   1 . . . 0 . . . 0 . . . 0
     . .     . .     . .     .
     .   .   .   .   .   .   .
     .     . .     . .     . .
 i   0 . . . c . . . s . . . 0
     . .     . .     . .     .
     .   .   .   .   .   .   .
     .     . .     . .     . .
 k   0 . . .-s . . . c . . . 0
     . .     . .     . .     .
     .   .   .   .   .   .   .
     .     . .     . .     . .
 n   0 . . . 0 . . . 0 . . . 1

This matrix (A) will be transformed into A*G.

c - The value of c
c - The value of s
i - The value of i
k - The value of k


public Matrix returnTranspose()
public behavior

post \result.sameDimensions(this);
post (\forall int i; i>0 && i<= getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>0 && j elementAt(i,j) == \result.elementAt(j,i)));
Return the transpose of this matrix.


public boolean sameDimensions(Matrix other)
public behavior

pre other != null

post getNbColumns() == other.getNbColumns();
post getNbRows() == other.getNbRows();
Check wether the given matrix has the same dimensions as this one.
other - The other matrix


public Matrix subMatrix(int x1,
                        int y1,
                        int x2,
                        int y2)
public behavior

pre validIndex(x1, y1);
pre validIndex(x2, y2);
pre x2 >= x1;
pre y2 >= y1;

post \fresh(\result);
post \result.getNbRows() == x2 - x1 + 1;
post \result.getNbColumns() == y2 - y1 + 1;
post (\forall int i; i>=x1 && i <=x2;
(\forall int j; j>=y1 && j <=y2;
\result.elementAt(i - x1 + 1, j - y1 + 1) == elementAt(i, j)));
Return the submatrix starting from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2).
x1 - The row from which to start.
y1 - The column from which to start.
x2 - The end row.
y2 - The end column.


public void setSubMatrix(int row,
                         int column,
                         Matrix matrix)
public behavior

pre matrix != null;
pre validIndex(row, column);
pre validIndex(row + matrix.getNbRows() - 1, column + matrix.getNbColumns() - 1);

post subMatrix(row, column, row + matrix.getNbRows() - 1, column + matrix.getNbColumns() - 1).equals(matrix);
Replace a submatrix of this matrix with the given matrix at the given coordinates.
row - The row of the top-left element of the submatrix that will be replaced.
column - The column of the top-left element of the submatrix that will be replaced.
matrix - The matrix to put into this matrix


public boolean isUpperTriangular()
public behavior

post \result == (\forall int i; i>=1 && i<=getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j<=getNbColumns();
(i < j) => elementAt(i,j) == 0));
Check whether or not this matrix is upper triangular


public boolean isLowerTriangular()
public behavior

post \result == (\forall int i; i>=1 && i<=getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j<=getNbColumns();
(i > j) => elementAt(i,j) == 0));
Check whether or not this matrix is lower triangular


public boolean isDiagonal()
public behavior

post \result == (\forall int i; i>=1 && i<=getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j<=getNbColumns();
(j != i) => elementAt(i,j) == 0));
Check whether or not this matrix is a diagonal matrix.


public java.lang.String toString()
see superclass
toString in class java.lang.Object


public java.lang.Object clone()
public behavior

post equals(\result);
post \result instanceof Matrix;
Return a clone
clone in class java.lang.Object


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object other)
public behavior

post !(other instanceof Matrix) ==> false;
post !(sameDimensions((Matrix)other)) ==> false;
post (other instanceof Matrix) && (sameDimensions((Matrix)other)) ==>
\result == (\forall int i; i>=1 i<=getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 j<=getNbColumns();
((Matrix)\result).elementAt(i,j) ==
post \result != this;
Check whether the given object is equal to this matrix.
equals in class java.lang.Object


public boolean isSquare()
public behavior

post getNbColumns() == getNbRows();
Check whether or not this matrix is square.


public boolean isSymmetric()
public behavior

post \result == isSquare() &&
(\forall int i; i>=1 && i<=getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j<=getNbColumns();
elementAt(i,j) == elementAt(j,i)));
Check whether or not this matrix is symmetric.


public boolean isPermutationMatrix()
post \result == isSquare() &&
// 1 non-zero element in each row
(\forall int i; i>=1 && i<=getNbRows();
(\num_of int j; j>=1 && j<=getNbColumns() && elementAt(i,j) != 0;1) == 1) &&
// 1 non-zero element in each column
(\forall int i; i>=1 && i<=getNbColumns();
(\num_of int j; j>=1 && j<=getNbRows() && elementAt(j,i) != 0;1) == 1) &&
// each element is 0 or 1
(\forall int i; i>=1 && i<=getNbRows();
(\forall int j; j>=1 && j<=getNbColumns();
elementAt(i,j) == 0 || elementAt(i,j) == 1));
Check whether or not this matrix is a permutation matrix.