Jutil.org : programming as you know it is over

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About Jutil.org

The goal of the jutil.org project is to build a high-quality API for general utility code needed in many projects. The project was founded by the following people:

To ensure the quality of the code, all classes are specified as completely as possible using JML and test classes are made for every class in jutil.org. The final version of a class should eventually contain a proof of correctness.

If you want to learn more about good Object-Oriented design and specifications (or if you already are a master :) ), feel free to contribute.

This project is hosted on SourceForge Logo

This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/).

05-04-2003News update

I've been too busy to finish the work on units and quantities. I'm currently working on Jnome. The design for the units was finished but I didn't have the time to finish the implementation. I hope I'll have more time in the near future.

by Marko No. 5

27-01-2003Units and quantities

Since I couldn't get the tools to generate the testclasses, I switched to manual testing for this release. I hope all test can be generated in the future. Quantities and units have been tested, but I still need to add a few derived units and quantities. Tomorrow I will start testing the physical quantities.

Any help is appreciated.

by Marko No. 5

24-12-2002Units and quantities are finished

The first version of the system of units, quantities and physical quantities is finished. At this moment the code is complete, but the documentation is not. The first thing I'm going to do now is make an ant task for the jmlunit tool so we can generate test classes. Yes, you read that good, the people developing JML have found a very nice way to use a runtime assertion checker to generate unit test classes. Bye bye extreme programming, writing specifications is much shorter and easier.

Writing the JML task should be done pretty soon. I expect to have the new release ready in a few weeks. Hang on.

by Marko No. 5